The List Festival Party

Summerhall, Edinburgh


The List Festival Party is the hottest ticket in town every year, marking the beginning of a month of festivities and fun for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

2023 was the 11th time that YOURGB has worked on the party alongside The List. This year the team programmed the full evening with over 45 Fringe acts performing in various spaces throughout Summerhall with 2000 guests in attendance. 

During the 2022 event, the YOURGB team were delighted to take on more responsibilities including full event logistics & planning, programming, sponsorship liaison, guest management and volunteer management.

From drag queens, to comedy, karaoke, theatre, face paint, DJs, dancers, singers, silent disco troops, pop up pianos, flamenco dancers and everything in between – The List Festival Party is always a great way to kick-start the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Edinburgh! 

YOURgb Services Provided

What can I say team YOURGB. You guys are nothing short of incredible. Wow! My mind is absolutely blown at how professional and slick your whole team is.

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